After having a shower, she tied her hair into a bun and soon she was on her way to dining area. She entered and noticed that her father was already there sitting on the head chair and mother was sitting on his father's left side.
Nirali went to them and greeted them and then she placed a kiss at both of her parents' cheek. She settled on the chair right side of her father then her mom served the food to three of them and then they started talking about her trip to America while having the food.
"So nira, you was asking that what did I bought for you..right? " Her mom said taking a bite from the food.
Nirali nodded at her with curious doe eyes while chewing at her food.
"So there is a good news.. actually I was in the club and was partying there and guess what.... I met my school time bestfriend “Himanshi Kapoor“ there you know what she and me used to be really good friends and we are always together in doing crazy things and due to her sudden and kinda forced marriage we lost contact but finally we met." Her mom said excitedly expressing her happiness.
"That's really good sano " her father said who was silently listening to their talks.
"Yeah, mom your smiling is indicating your happiness " Nirali said and her mom continued.
"She is married to a successful businessman of Mumbai ...Rajiv you might know hin very well he is really famous in business world his name is Akshay Kapoor" saniya stated.
"Yes I know him very well ,we have done some deals with them but what's the point of talking this to us ?" Nirali's das asked.
"Actually her son Kartik Kapoor is a businessman and a bachelor..she got to know about Nirali from someone and wants to get both of them married..she has asked our nira's hand for marriage and i sai-...." She was speaking but Nirali cut her off.
"MARRIAGE! It's a big NO mom ...I am not ready for marriage and especially not now....." Nirali said in yelling and strict tone.
"But why nira..he is well settled and mannered man. he will keep you happy. Rajiv made her understand.. please..she need to forget about her past and move on" her mom said firstly to Nirali and then to her dad.
"Well Nira your mom is least you can meet him and then decide about it" her dad said supporting her mom
"Dad you too...I am not ready for marriage and that's it..its just been 4 months, how can you just think about moving on" Nirali said stating her point and was going to her room but stopped after listening to her mother's word.
"You are getting married with him and that's the final desicion " her mom said strictly.
"NO means a NO mom" Nirali said.
"I have already said yes to the marriage " Nirali's mom said which made her shock.
"Mom can't you see my situation" Nirali said in crying tone.
" Your situation is outcome of your own desicions ...we already warned you but you didn't listened to us and that's your mistake Nirali " her mom said coldly.
"I know mon I should have listened to you but that's past na you guys should be supporting me " Nirali said in pleading tone.
"We are supporting you and yess that's past thats why you have to move on and marriage is the only possible way do no discussion on this topic okay he will come to meet you tomorrow and you will have to go on dinner date with him". Her mom said pointing her finger at Nirali making it very clear that that was her last desicion.
Nirlai chukled bitterly at her mom's rude statement. She shook her head, tears were forming in her eyes and would come out anytime. She gritted her teeth and went away to her room but not before stomping her foot at the floor.
Her mom sat on chair and started crying with her head down. Her husband side hugged her and rubbed her shoulder calming her down and telling her that he is there with her.
"I just want the best for her, why she cant understand me Rajiv? " Nirali's mom said expressing her inner feelings.
"Thats because she still have not healed from inside . She shows that she is okay and totally fine but still somewhere some part of her is broken" Rajiv said.
Nirali's mom nodded at her husband and after that they both went to their own perspective rooms and dozed off to sleep while thinking about their child's life.
On the other hand Nirali was not able to sleep. Thoughts of her marriage was not letting her sleep. she was crying deep inside. a lot of things happened which broke her . There were a chaos going inside her. she was now scared of attachments . specially she was not ready for marriage not now when she was not in the right state . when she was not happy with herself then how other person will be happy with her . many thoughts were eating her from inside. she was crying from both inside and outside she was asking one thing that why her? Why she was the one to bear this pain? accepting her fate , she wiped her tears and went back to her bed and drowned to sleep.
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